Airports of Thailand (AoT) has scheduled March 6 for potential bidders to tender their bids for a contract to build the third runway at Suvarnabhumi Airport, a source said on Tuesday.
According to the source, the third runway project which is valued at 21.79 billion baht includes the construction of an extension to taxiway D and the perimeter taxiways. The cost of the third runway only, which is 60 metres in width and 4,000 metres in length, is estimated at 6.6 billion baht.
Those interested in participating in the e-bidding have until March 5 to buy bid envelopes and bid submissions are scheduled for March 6. The envelopes will be opened on March 9 and if things go as planned the results will be submitted to the AoT's board for consideration in March, said the source.
The construction is expected to take about three years, and when complete the airport will be capable of handling up to 94 flights per hour, as opposed to the current 68, said the source.
The AoT is expected to hand over the project's environmental and health impact assessment reports to authorities concerned this month, according to the source.
The third runway is part of Suvarnabhumi Airport’s second-phase development and part of the 2015-2022 transport infrastructure development plan approved by the cabinet on March 27, 2015.
The AoT had initially proposed to invest 22.4 billion baht in the new runway project; but the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council advised it to scale the work back to 21.7 billion baht.