Future of remote working still unclear
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Future of remote working still unclear

Future of remote working still unclear
A young professional works remotely outside the traditional office space. Mr Tanit said the cost savings of remote working are attractive to employers.

Work trends in 2022 will continue to see hybrid and remote models, but the proportion of employees working in a physical or virtual office depends on the nature of the sector and the roles that staff perform, says the Employers' Confederation of Thai Trade and Industry (EconThai).

"Many workplaces in the US have switched to a 100% remote work model. That may not be realistic for Thailand yet, but certainly more companies here are continuing to look for possibilities to increase remote and hybrid work. No longer do we need everyone to show up at the office at the same time," said EconThai vice-chairman Tanit Sorat.

Mr Tanit said the cost savings of remote working are attractive to employers. They no longer have to rent office space, pay for building utilities, and compensate employees for petrol and toll fees when commuting to work or meeting clients.

Employees appreciate more freedom and quality time with their loved ones, especially young children at home. The improved work-life balance from the hybrid and remote work models increase their productivity and yield a better performance in the long run.

Mr Tanit said such a work environment where most clients no longer care whether firms have a physical office had inspired many young employees to create startups on the side, especially in the tech field.

"Eventually, some folk who work from home are going to want to freelance because they know they can," said Mr Tanit. "Many IT professionals have done so already. Business owners, too, are looking to completely outsource some departments to reduce overhead expenses. Outsourcing, in this context, would include highly skilled talents, not just factory workers."

But what piqued Mr Tanit's interest is that currently only 3.5% of active job seekers on JobThai.com -- one of Thailand's largest job search sites -- are looking for freelance or part-time opportunities. He believes most people still associate full-time employment in an office with stability.

In other words, they think there is less chance of them being replaced or "outsourced" because daily face-to-face interactions supposedly strengthen their importance in the workplace.

Mr Tanit also said the pandemic had significantly elevated the workplace's technology advancement and digital protection needs. He said firms should pay attention to investment in areas such as having a well-maintained backup server and running regular data security tests.

"Businesses cannot expect employees to work well from home without having a good remote work system in place," Mr Tanit said. "A big IT server and an additional backup server are crucial components. Still, the most important thing is the security aspect, where malicious actors, including competitors, may want to gain access to your data. The security system and the WiFi of your employees who work from home could use an upgrade to ensure optimal protection and efficiency."

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