Deputy Transport Minister Manaporn Charoensri on Monday defended the government's plan to build the one-trillion-baht Land Bridge megaproject, saying it has garnered a lot of interest from foreign investors.
Ms Manaporn made the comment in response to a criticism from former Democrat leader Samart Ratchapolsitte, who recently questioned the megaproject's cost-effectiveness and doubted that it would materialise despite the government's roadshow to attract investment.
More than 30 companies from various industries including China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) have expressed interest in the project during Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit's recent visit to China, while Japanese investors have sent representatives to explore the feasibility of the megaproject, she said.
These prospective investors are expected to make an official move upon the completion of the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC) law, which is being drafted by the Transport Ministry, Ms Manaporn explained.
The ministry is expected to finish drafting the SEC law within the fourth quarter of this year and send investment invitations in the fourth quarter of 2025.
The Land Bridge scheme is one of several major investment schemes that the government is trying to promote among foreign investors.
Once completed, it will open up a new link between the Pacific and Indian oceans, with deep-sea ports at both end of the link, in Chumphon and Ranong, according to the plan.
Critics are concerned about its environmental impact, financial cost and completion time, as the scheme would be carried out in phases.
The first phase is expected to begin in 2026 and conclude in 2030.
Kritchanon Aiyapanya, assistant minister attached to the Transport Ministry, said on Monday Mr Samart's questions about the Land Bridge megaproject do not reflect the actual situation and could cause misunderstandings among investors and the public.
He said the scheme has been thoroughly studied, with several different agencies confirming that the new route would help cut travel time and reduce costs, thus making it a viable alternative to the highly congested Strait of Malacca.
Mr Kritchanon also said the scheme has drawn significant interest from prospective investors in the United States, Europe, the Middle East as well as China.