Wheely impressive feet
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Wheely impressive feet


There are some crazy people who travel around the globe either with their two feet or with a bicycle. But Rob Lilwall, former door-to-door salesman and geography teacher, conquered the world in both ways. He's written a short piece on pros and cons about two modes of travel in "Walking v cycling: Which is better for travel?" at http://travel.cnn.com/walking-vs-cycling-470646. The 27-year-old set off on the saddle from Siberia to his home in London in September 2004. It took him about three years to get home on the 56,000km journey that covered four continents. Then he undertook a 5,600km trek he called the "Crazy Walk" last year. In the article, Lilwall tells how it hurts and how he endured the pain during the walk and cycle. You can also catch his updates and job as a TV adventurer, motivational speaker and writer based in Hong Kong in his website http://www.roblilwall.com.

Discover if you are living in one of the world's most expensive cities in "What are the most expensive cities to live in?" at http://tinyurl.com/b9g7gfy. Based on the Worldwide Cost of Living Survey from the Economist Intelligence Unit, Tokyo topped the list, followed by Osaka and Sydney. Oslo and Melbourne were tied at No.4. It's surprising that Asian cities make up 11 of the 20 most expensive in the world. If you want to see the rest of the report, check out http://tinyurl.com/axvqysb.

Related to the list is a recent article by Mail Online. The article by Barbara Jones features Luanda, the capital of Angola in southern Africa, as one of the most expensive cities in the world. It's a city where insanely rich people are living in the same city with the poor, not in harmony though. In this city, a hotel hamburger costs 32 (1,500 baht) and a studio in the city rents out at 7,5000 a month, and its city harbour is filled with expensive yachts. But on the other end of the spectrum, people live in slums on a hill above Luanda. They live in shanty housing on less than 5 a day. See the contrasts at http://goo.gl/FOTjQ.

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