2022 horoscope

2022 horoscope

2022 horoscope

As 2021 draws to a close, Bangkok Post presents our little tradition of yearly horoscope so you'll get a sneak peek into what's in store for 2022. Happy New Year!

- (⛹) is for work, (฿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
- You can also view previous ones at https://bit.ly/353fcoa

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⛹) Successes await you in 2022 more than failures. Salary earners, a major project is on the cards. If you wish to find a job that allows you to WFA, it may come true. Freelancers, you may enrol in an online course or two to sharpen your skills. Entrepreneurs, brace yourself for struggles during the first half of next year and your plans may be disrupted by the ongoing pandemic.

(฿) Heed the word of financial advice from an older friend or your former mentor. Your financial standing improves during the second half of next year. Many money-making opportunities await you from the middle of July onwards. You may also secure a new source of long-term income. You do well financially for most of 2022.   

(♥) If you have a bad habit of comparing your partner to others, you may cause a big fight. If you're in an interracial relationship, you may relocate to your partner's country of origin and may need some time to get over the culture shock and find your feet in a new environment. And that's normal.    

(⚤) During the first half of 2022, you either go Facebook official with someone you've been seeing or start a new relationship with someone you'll soon meet. A friend may harbour a secret crush on you. After August, there may be some drama. Someone may try to steal your lover or your parents show strong disapproval over your choice of partner. Near the end of 2022, your relationship status is perhaps best described as complicated. 

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⛹) You'll be adding new contacts to your phone throughout next year. The more people you know the more chance for help or collaboration. You use technology and astrology to boost your work morale or help overcome obstacles. You may surprise yourself with how much you can accomplish under pressure. You may earn a reputation as a problem-solver and good opportunities await you during the second half of 2022. 

(฿) Although you may gain a new source of income and make more money next year, you start to save only at the start of August due to unexpected expenses and too much retail therapy. Staying financially disciplined may be the biggest challenge for you. Remember that money saved is money earned.  

(♥) During the first half of 2022, you may meet someone new who makes your heart flutter. If you decide to have an affair with them, it won't stay a secret for long. By the last quarter, you'll end up with the one you love more after some intense drama. Faithful couples can expect some issues in their relationships but nothing too serious. 

(⚤) Your chance to find love picks up from May onwards. Practise self-love and take good care of your health so you'll be at your most attractive. It starts from within. If you join dating activities or applications, there's a good chance that you'll meet a good match. S/he is both your love at first sight and first swipe. You may even move in with him/her by next November or December.  

♉ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⛹) During the first quarter, your industry may be disrupted by a game-changer that causes a lot of upheavals. It'll take you a while to catch up with and adjust to them. You may have to work harder and for longer hours but you take pride in pushing past your limits, too. During the second half of 2022, you gain more trust and respect from higher-ups. You may foresee what may happen in your industry and prepare yourself accordingly. 

(฿) Unlike most people, your income or job stability hasn't been affected much by the ongoing pandemic. You maintain your main job and side hustle throughout next year. However, you tend to reward yourself with expensive things more often and you save money way less than you should.   

(♥) You may be embroiled in a love triangle within the first quarter if you're not careful. It'll bother and stress you for months as your official love and new love are at war. It may become too much that you want to cut off any communication with both of them. Couples may argue over the management of their shared wealth.   

(⚤) During the first quarter, you may discover that the person you're chatting with lies about their relationship status. S/he may be in the process of separation or divorce. If you don't have time to go out and meet people, perhaps you should ask a close friend or relative to play Cupid for you. Lower your expectation when you meet, in real life, someone you met via a dating app. 

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⛹) A project that is due for completion in 2022 may be disrupted by unexpected challenges. From May onwards, you can breathe easier at work as things seem to progress smoothly most of the time. You may make new connections with foreign clients and/or professionals. If you're an employee, a promotion or a dream job may be yours. Entrepreneurs, you may exceed your profit goal.

(฿) If your plan is to be more financially secure next year, it may come true. People you meet through a social event or a seminar may bring you good opportunities. Investors are likely to reap a lot of returns from their portfolios. You are most susceptible to overshopping in August and November.   

(♥) Married couples stay committed throughout 2022 and if they're trying to have a(nother) baby, their wish will come true. Cohabitating couples learn about each other more throughout ups and downs next year. Couples outside heteronormativity may decide to become more politically active in demanding their rights and legal recognition. 

(⚤) You may go Facebook official with someone you start seeing near the end of 2021 in early 2022. If you're seeing no one right now, you're likely to find someone you really like before June ends. There's a good chance that you'll be in a great relationship. In any case, you won't feel lonely next year.   

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⛹) If you're trying to find what your passion is and what you're good at, you'll get your answer. This may result in positive changes regarding your work life during the second half of next year. If you already know your gift, take time to polish it and look for other skills that you may be good at, too. Good opportunities will be yours only when you're ready for them. Employees, you may decide to give up the nine-to-five routine for the life of a business owner.

(฿) You may see opportunities amid crises. You make a lot of money from your main job and side hustle. However, your expenses increase exponentially that you feel like you make less. From August to September, beware of fraudsters who may try to get your money through a fake investment scheme.   

(♥) Spouses are there for each other through thick and thin, and sickness and health. If you want to add a new member to your young family, your wish may come true. Unmarried couples will go through many challenges and emerge with a stronger bond with each other. They may get married next year.  

(⚤) If you're in a situationship right now, it may evolve into a real relationship within the first quarter. If you're single, you may meet someone who's physically your type but it seems you like them more and they like you. If you prefer a relationship where both parties give and take, you'll meet the right person soon.   

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⛹) Before April, you have to make several big decisions. Things will go smoothly as planned. After that, brace yourself for new challenges that can cause you some stress. Learn to adapt to new changes. From August, things go smoothly once again. If you're looking to change jobs, make sure that you don't run away from a tiger only to end up facing a crocodile. Someone whom you least expect may offer you help. 

(฿) Until May, your money comes and goes. Someone may tell you about a way to make extra cash on the side after that. You gradually become more financially stable for the rest of next year. Investors, you make some changes in your portfolio in the hope to rake in more returns. You may be embroiled in an intense inheritance conflict during the last quarter.

(♥) Couples motivate and trust in each other. They keep each other's secrets and ins and outs of their relationship between them. Unmarried couples who plan to wed next year should expect a big argument over buying a new house or the amount of dowry. A blissful honeymoon is on the cards.  

(⚤) You may find that you're hotter than you think. You may be talking and flirting with several people at the same time for most of next year. There's no sign of a serious relationship for you in 2022 but you may find the one to start 2023 with. Your mother or a motherly figure says something that changes the way you look at love and relationship.   

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⛹) Good luck follows you to work. When there's a crisis, you always find a way to adapt and survive. You and your colleagues develop a sense of camaraderie while working hard to finish a big project together. You may secure a side hustle that you're passionate about after Feb. If you sell stuff, not only do you maintain your loyal customers but also gain new ones, thanks to the introduction of new products and services.   

(฿) You maintain your main job and side hustle well throughout the next year. You may also pick up a new skill or two. Investors, your portfolio will perform in 2022 better than it did in 2021. From Jun to Aug, beware of a fraudster who tries to persuade you to make a dubious investment. 

(♥) Couples are each other's source of support and strength. If you're in an interracial relationship, you may relocate to join your partner in their home country. And it won't take you long to get acclimated to the new environment. If you're gay, you may decide to introduce your partner to your parents. 

(⚤) You get to know several people during the first half of 2022 and you may even become intimate with a few of them. However, none of them becomes your boyfriend/girlfriend. During the second half, you may meet someone who's your dream lover. S/he will be your love at first sight/swipe, too. 

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⛹) Throughout the next year, you experience fewer creative blocks compared to the previous one. If you're looking to change jobs or find a side hustle, your wish is likely to come true. An S-curve growth is on the cards for business owners. Someone very competent may be recruited into your organisation and s/he will prove to be worth her/his salt. You may attend a seminar or course to find a way to make extra cash. 

(฿) The more people you know, the more money-making opportunities await you next year. You may secure a new source of income. It may be something that you never consider. If you sell stuff, you make a lot of money and keep your customers happy enough to return to buy more from you.  

(♥) A few serious fights await married couples. Besides that, you two are each other's source of support and guidance. If you're unmarried, a marriage proposal is on the cards next year. If you're proposed, there's no need to immediately say yes and you should ask for some time to think things through. 

(⚤) You may feel a bit lonely until May. Your situationship or FWB arrangement may dissolve in early 2022. Your luck in love picks up after that and you meet several hotties who make you excited about dating again. You may be talking and flirting with them and find it very difficult to choose one.   

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⛹) You tend to worry too much and anticipate the worst in people and situations. You sharpen your skill and become an expert in your field. You may complete a masterpiece that you should definitely put into your CV. During the second half of 2022, you may be given a new job title that comes with bigger pay and power. You shine so brightly in your office and none can't deny your high professionalism. 

(฿) Freelancers, tonnes of gigs await you. Business owners experience S-curve growth, thanks to a few products that perform much better than expected. If you're a breadwinner, you're better at budgeting your income for yourself and for those who rely on you. More money-making opportunities await you in 2022. 

(♥) Married couples communicate with each other better. They know how to resolve their conflicts and misunderstandings quicker. Spouses may get to countdown to 2023 with a new member to their family. Unmarried couples may decide to wed after parents on both sides express their approval and blessing.  

(⚤) From Mar onwards, your luck in love increases. You meet about a dozen of admirers next year. After Sept, you may find it hard to keep chatting with several people at the same time. Stringing them all along may result in a big drama and you may end up with none when the smoke clears.  

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⛹) Your creativity is what makes you shine at the office next year, especially during pitching and presentation. You're a gifted communicator and make colleagues understand complicated matters through layman terms. If you lead a data-driven project, it'll become a big success. If you've never been a leader before, an opportunity to do so awaits you. YOLO. Don't get cold feet. 

(฿) Your biggest expense of next year is either your new home or home renovation. You manage your income well except for several times that your income dips during the first half of 2022. Overall, you are more financially disciplined next year compared to the previous one. You definitely put more money into your rainy day fund.   

(♥) There's a chance that you may have an affair but manage to keep it a secret from your partner. However, the affair may not last long as your side person may also see someone else on the side. It may end in Aug or Sept and you try to make it up to your partner for the rest of the year. 

(⚤) You may experience love at first sight and swipe. You meet the one and get to develop a long-term relationship with them. Things between you two may progress so quickly and a talk about cohabitation, engagement or even marriage may be brought up. It's never too quick when you meet the right person.   

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⛹) A project that you've been working on will become a great success. During the first half of 2022, you'll be offered several job opportunities and find it hard to say no to any of them. You may discover your true calling or the right career path. If you need help with decision-making, consult with someone who has been your mentor/confidant. What you think fits you the most may not turn out to be so.  

(฿) Despite the uncertainty surrounding the ongoing pandemic, your income and job stability remain unaffected. If you plan to buy a new car or a new house in one payment, you'll finally save up enough money to do so. During the second half of 2022, you may make a wrong investment and loss some money. 

(♥) If your spouse is your first love or the person who loves you the most throughout your dating history, you two remain happy and faithful with each other. If not, your relationship may withstand some stormy moments because your first love returns to your life. Big drama ensues.  

(⚤) If you're unceremoniously dumped in 2021, the person who broke your heart may try to get back together with you. Just say no and walk away. Don't try to do something in retaliation. You're not a vengeful person, to begin with. Virgins, you'll have a very busy year in 2022 and forget about love. Maybe you're asexual.    

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⛹) You may be given more resources and power at work. You deliver a masterpiece and become an integral part of many projects. You shine bright during the second half of 2022 with many opportunities awaiting you. A headhunter may try to recruit you. If you run a green business, you may meet many enthusiastic supporters and customers. You derive pride in making a positive impact on society.  

(฿) Your financial health improves next year, thanks to many money-making opportunities on the cards. You may take a course or two in wealth management and/or investment and it pays off in the long run. During the last quarter, you may be embroiled in an inheritance dispute. What's rightfully yours will be yours. 

(♥) A love triangle may happen during the second half of 2022. You may sleep with your close friend on a drunken night but it won't stay a secret for long. You three try to resolve this between yourselves as to not cause big drama but there will be some hard feelings. 

(⚤) Your friend may turn into your fan during the first quarter if you continue to show romantic interest in them. If you're not interested in anyone right now, you may join a dating/networking event and meet someone you really like there. You'll meet new people throughout next year but may not be able to develop a relationship due to your own reluctance.

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