Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond.
- (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
- Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
- You can also view previous ones at
♈ Aries
Mar 21 – Apr 19
(⏰) Brace yourself for many more team projects. Colleagues may ask for extra help. It's okay to set boundaries and say no. Gossip or rumours about you might be buzzing. Stay in your lane and keep crushing your goals. Let your results do the talking.
(₿) You reap the harvest of your past investments or efforts. You'll stick to your budget and still can afford fun without worries. You may discover some sweet tax benefits. Opportunities for extra cash from behind-the-scenes or less formal work could arise.
(♥) Faithful couples can expect a few playful disagreements and friendly competitions between them. If you're two-timing, you may get caught and be forced to choose.
(⚤) Opportunities to get to know potential lovers in the flesh and online are on the cards. However, none impress. You know what you want and you don't settle for less.
♉ Taurus
Apr 20 – May 20
(⏰) Your hard work is paying off. People at work are starting to notice your expertise. This could boost your reputation. You might even catch the attention of higher-ups. A chance to collaborate with foreigners or international organisations may arise, along with an opportunity to resume a halted project.
(₿) The more money you make, the more you spend. Influencers, instant gratification and lifestyle inflation eat up most of your income. Beware of Ponzi or MLM schemes in a new disguise.
(♥) Your partner may feel under-appreciated. You may be doing well in your work life and it makes your partner feel like they're behind in life. Remember to nurture your relationship too.
(⚤) Your main character energy is off the charts. While this may irk some, some find this very attractive. The first date with someone you really like is on the cards.
♊ Gemini
May 21 – Jun 20
(⏰) Regardless of where you work from, you know how to work smart and can handle tight deadlines and heightened pressure. You impress everyone with your outstanding performance. You may be asked to start a new job asap.
(₿) You may recieve valuable insider information or a heartwarming gift. You'll be smart with your finances, keeping your earnings, assets and investments in check. Any money worries will start to lift, bringing you peace of mind. A long-desired purchase is in the cards. That wish-list item might finally be yours.
(♥) You might accidentally send mixed signals or come across as more distant to your partner. Learn to express your feelings clearly, so your partner knows what's in your heart. Remember, your partner isn't a mind reader.
(⚤) You're in love with becoming the better version of yourself instead of seeking outside love and validation. Nonetheless, your natural rizz is shining bright. You might catch someone's eye through work.
♋ Cancer
Jun 21 – Jul 22
(⏰) The higher-ups are confident in your abilities. They agree with your ideas and offer you their full support. You may be asked to lead a project to improve your organisation's public image. Expect some toxic colleagues and workplace drama/gossip. Their jealousy shows you're on the right path — keep pushing forward. You're doing great and will rise above it.
(₿) Expect returns on your past investments or efforts. Now is a good time to look for financial support or new ways to earn money and someone may point you the way. You make smart money choices and can afford to enjoy life and build up savings at the same time.
(♥) A few playful debates and friendly competitions are on the cards for couples. They communicate well with each other and show extra love with cute stickers. Cross-cultural couples may discuss where to put down roots and tie the knot.
(⚤) You finally get over your latest break-up and look for love with hope again. Dating app users, your match ask if you could meet them IRL asap.
♌ Leo
July 23 – August 22
(⏰) Teamwork and client relations will be smooth and productive. You'll sort out problems quickly and turn tricky situations into wins for everyone. You achieve what you set out to do and be asked to be in a team to reshape and transform your workplace. A new market awaits business owners.
(₿) Your income exceeds your expectations. Your tax returns may be higher than expected. You can easily cover your needs. If you have debts, you may pay off at least one. A friend or someone close to you might ask for a loan. Think before you lend.
(♥) Couples have to take on more responsibilities together. They put more effort into their family life. They always support each other and have quality communication. If you're struggling with something, your partner may know how to alleviate it.
(⚤) An opportunity to get closer to your crush and get to know them one-on-one is on the cards. Don't expect that they will reciprocate your feelings and enjoy getting to know them.
♍ Virgo
Aug 23 – Sept 22
(⏰) You'll finally check most things off your to-do list. You may be suddenly called to take actions on complex and sensitive issues, as higher-ups trust your judgement, composure and crisis management ability. This is your time to shine and make a strong impression. The unemployed may start a new job in the service or healthcare industry.
(₿) Expect extra income from a side gig or overtime. Don't gamble or make high-risk investments. Watch out for fake news or disinformation. Fact-check before you act. Beware of tourist traps and scams while travelling abroad.
(♥) Couples may face a difficult situation but they put their brains together to overcome it. You may be surprised by how savvy your partner can be. Expect conversations about moving in together, getting engaged or planning a wedding.
(⚤) You're brimming with charm and confidence. The first date with someone you really like is on the cards. A foreigner may ask for your social media handles.
♎ Libra
Sept 23 – Oct 22
(⏰) Greater expectations and pressure from higher-ups and clients mean greater challenges to you. A satisfying payoff awaits at the finish line. Some attractive job opportunities could pop up, but make sure to look closely at the details before deciding.
(₿) You manage your income and expenses well. An opportunity to learn new skills for future income may present itself. It won't come naturally but you can excel it if you don't give up. Examine all documents with extra care whether you buying or sell property; small details can make a big difference.
(♥) Couples don't get to spend time together much due to conflicting schedules. You feel underappreciated by your partner and vice versa. Romance scammers may slide into your DMs.
(⚤) Concerns about old dating patterns or fears of commitment may hold you back from exploring a potential romance. Take your time — there's no rush in matters of the heart.
♏ Scorpio
Oct 23 – Nov 21
(⏰) Dealing with certain colleagues require extra patience. Oh, you know who they are. You may not tick off all items on your to-do list because a critical mistake someone made. Fortunately, a higher-up or senior colleague lend help and guide you to the right path.
(₿) You reap the harvest of your past investments or efforts. Whether you're selling or buying your own property or someone else's, you'll be able to close the deal soon. You maintain a big emergency fund and some money left for little luxuries. You'll save wisely while still enjoying little luxuries. You may win a prize or receive an inheritance but it comes with tax or maintenance cost.
(♥) You two split responsibilities more fairly. You two might find a new shared hobby/interest. Sexy time are more carefully planned and meaningful. A relationship level-up is written in the stars. Expect talks about moving in, getting engaged or walking down the aisle.
(⚤) You may start a relationship with someone whom you've been casually dating. However, you two come out as a couple to few friends. You may click with someone older and established at your usual hangout spots.
♐ Sagittarius
Nov 22 – Dec 21
(⏰) Your grind is getting noticed and a chance to move up the ladder may be yours. An opportunity you missed out may return. Your contents, ads or campaign may go viral. Business owners may successfully negotiate a big deal with a large company or government agency.
(₿) The more money you make, the higher your expenses become. You may purchase that long-desired item. Instant gratification and lifestyle inflation also chip away at your wealth. Saving money might not be your top priority.
(♥) Couples have to adjust to something or someone new in their relationship. They also tend to disagree more and words may get misconstrued. Take a deep breath and try to be a little more patient when communicating with your partner.
(⚤) Love may find you, even if you've never been in love. Experienced daters may experience a spark of romance and instant connection with someone who looks like your ex but has a much sweeter personality.
♑ Capricorn
Dec 22 – Jan 19
(⏰) Teamwork and managing your to-do list will feel effortless. Expect harmonious vibes with your coworkers and clients. A challenging project may come your way but you'll get to work with experienced mentors or industry veterans. You meet inspiring people in your industry and add each other on social media.
(₿) You may recieve valuable insider info or a sentimental gift. Your prior investments or hard work are poised for positive results. You may recieve a gift or inherit something valuable but it comes with fees and maintenance cost. Attractive online deals can be deceiving and lead disappointment.
(♥) Couples may have to take on more responsibilities together. You two don't agree on everything but always have each other's back. Spouses try to eat healthier and work out more often.
(⚤) You meet someone who's physically your type but soon realise that they have several admirers. Your ex, who's already in a new relationship, may slide into your DMs. You're their the-one-that-got-away.
♒ Aquarius
Jan 20 – Feb 18
(⏰) Your communication skills becomes stronger. You'll resolve conflicts swiftly, even turning a tricky situation into a win-win. You'll deliver results and get things done as planned. Creators and creative entrepreneurs, you're getting noticed and and new opportunities are knocking at your door.
(₿) There's a good chance that you can successfully negotiate for a pay raise. Looking for financial support or sorting out your debt also looks promising. You can easily cover your necessary bills. Beware of high-risk investment and watch out for fake news, disinformation and biased prediction.
(♥) Couples can talk about anything from silly to serious. Despite different opinions, you two work together to reach a happy medium. Spouses are each other's sources of support and safe spaces. A sweet surprise from your partner and some heart-melting moments are in store.
(⚤) You may fall hard for someone you meet through work or hobby. Someone who ghosted or hurt you in the past might try to reconnect. You're in control of how to respond.
♓ Pisces
Feb 19 – Mar 20
(⏰) Get ready to work with a diverse group of people across departments or participate in a large-scale project. You’ll communicate with coworkers and clients effectively, manage tasks efficiently and see positive results. A higher-up or someone influential may notice your talents and performance, but this could also drag you into office politics.
(₿) You manage your income and expenses well. Investors and speculators may discover hidden opportunities in volatile markets. Double-check documents with extra care and seek second opinions whether you're buying or selling property; even the small details can make a big difference.
(♥) Minor misunderstandings or jealousy might pop up, but you can still talk things through with your partner. You've got the patience to navigate this and it can be an opportunity for both of you to grow closer.
(⚤) You meet someone who makes your heart skip a beat at an unfamiliar place. However, bad memories from past relationships may hold you back from exploring a potential romance.